
kNN algorithm explained …

In this blog we go through the kNN algorithm logic, implement it from scratch in python and apply it on the MNIST digit dataset Prerequisites machine learning, supervised vs unsupervised ML, classification vs regression Introduction The K Nearest Neighbour classification is a simple and efficient …

DIY Cell Phone Detector …

DIY Cell Phone Detector Circuit: Stop Unauthorized Mobile Phone Usage Introduction Are you tired of people using their phones when they’re not supposed to? Maybe you want to ensure that exam halls, meetings, or other restricted areas remain phone-free. We’ve got just the solution for you …

Creating a Linked List in …

Creating a Linked List in Hack Language: A Nand2Tetris Project Breakdown If you’re fascinated by the intricacies of computer engineering, then you might have stumbled upon the Nand2Tetris course. This comprehensive program takes you through the journey of building a computer from scratch, …